Hello! I'm making this topic because I can't seem to find any others of this type, I'll be introducing you guys to what League of Legends is and where to find it!
First of all, League of Legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, you might know this as "M.O.B.A", very similar to Dota and Heroes of the Storm (If you'd like me to make a topic about those too let me know!), if you ever heard of or played either of those games you'll have an idea about what League of Legends is.
League of Legends is, like Dota and Heroes of the Storm, a Free to Play M.O.B.A and is in no way a pay to win game, only thing you can buy with RP which is the in game currency bought by irl money (Will give you more information about it later) is Skins which only change how a champion looks and gives you no advantages whatsoever.
The in game currencies for League of Legends are I.P and R.P, also known as Influence points which are gained by simply playing the game and Riot Points which can be bought using real life money.
Influence points (a.k.a IP) can be used to buy all sorts of things, such as Champions which are the characters you play with, runes which can be used to make you more powerful in game, Rune pages which is where you can put and use your runes, you have 2 Rune pages by default and you can have up to 20! Each Rune page costs 6300 IP.
Riot points (a.k.a RP) can be used to buy Champions, Skins for champions, IP and XP boosts, Summoner Icons, Ward skins (Will explain them later) and even Rune pages as well!
There are also Masteries which like Runes, are used to make you more powerful and give you certain advantages.
Runes can be bought from the shop ONLY by IP and Rune pages can be bought by both IP and RP
Masteries are not bought but unlocked as you level up in the game, levels go 1 through 30 which is the max level and Mastery pages are completely free, you can also have up to a total of 20 mastery pages.
Let me give you a brief introduction to the maps and game modes you can find in League of Legends.
There is the Classic Summoner's Rift which is a regular 5v5 game with 3 lanes (Top, Mid and Bot) and of course the Jungle which is a little bit more advanced if you're new to League, don't worry about it just yet.
Top is usually a solo lane played by a Tank or a Fighter type champion that can engage fights and hold their own.
Jungle is a bit more complicated which is why it's on the more advanced side of League of Legends so I won't get into detail about it, it is however also usually played by a Fighter or Assassin type champion that can engage a fight and deal damage, usually they have a lot of Crowd Control as well, your job is to help other lanes in need and make sure your teammates aren't losing.
Mid is usually a solo lane played by an Assassin or a Mage type champion that's able to deal a lot of damage.
Bot is the only lane that's usually a Duo lane, it's played by an AD carry and a Support, details below.
AD Carry a.k.a ADC is always an Attack Damage Marksman that can deal a LOT of damage from afar but is often very squishy making it one of the hardest roles as you have to always be on the move otherwise enemy team ADCs or Mid laners will easily focus you and pick you off giving the enemy team a huge advantage in a teamfight.
Support can be played by many champion types, there are Ability Power (a.k.a AP, will get into detail later) based Supports which can provide help in damage, they usually have a bit of utility as well. There are utility based Supports which mainly offer movement speed and crowd control, they often have a bit of Ability Power as well. Then there are Tank Supports which simple provide cover and take damage for their team and ADC, they always also have crowd control, your job as a Support is to make sure your team gets the help they need to win the game.
Then there is the Twisted Treeline which is a 3v3 based map having only two lanes, Top and Bot. I personally don't play this game mode that much so I can't really offer that much information about it, you can read about it more on the League of Legends wiki though! Link > http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/L … gends_Wiki
There is also the A.R.A.M which is a 5v5 with only one lane and rules are changed a bit for this specific game mode
- You can not recall back to base
- You can not shop after leaving the base
- Going back to the base will not heal you
These are the notable rule changes on this game mode.
Riot also often release new game modes that only last a few days so stay tuned!
Now let's get into the actual game!
First off, the champion selection screen. This is where you can pick the champion you want to play with, once you picked the champion you like you should then select the skin you would like (If you own one) and select your Rune page and Mastery page, then you pick 2 Summoner spells.
If you're wondering what Summoner spells are, these spells that can be used in game to give you advantages over your opponents.
The current Summoner spells on the regular Summoner's Rift map are,
Ghost - Allows you to move through champions and gives you an increased amount of movement speed based on your current champion level for 10 seconds
Heal - Restores Health based on your champion level and grants you an extra 30% movement speed for 1 second, a target nearby allied champion or if not chosen, the nearest also gets the heal and movement speed making it very useful for the bot lane. Note: If a champion was recently affected by this ability, the healing is halved.
Barrier - Shields your champion for (x) amount of damage depending on your champion level.
Exhaust - Reduces a target enemy champion's movement speed and attack speed by 30%, their armor and magic resist (Will get into detail later) by 10 and their damage dealt by 40% for 2.5 seconds
Cleanse - Removes all disables, summoner spells and debuffs currently affecting your champion and lowers the duration of incoming disables by 65% for 3 seconds
Teleport - Channels for 4.5 seconds then teleports your champion to a target allied Turret, Ward, Champion, or minion, there are also some champion abilities and structures that allow you to teleport to them such as Zac's blobs.
Flash - Teleports your champion a short distance towards your cursor's location.
Ignite - Deals (x) amount of TRUE damage (Will get into detail later) based on your champion level over 5 seconds and gives you vision of the champion for the duration, also reduces healing effects.
Smite - Now this is the Jungle's ability, it deals (x) amount of TRUE damage based on your champion level instantly to a target monster or minion, certain items can be bought for this to be used on enemy champions as well.
That was Summoner spells, let's get into the aspects of the game such as AD and AP.
As of now there are,
Attack Damage (AD) - Attack Damage is the damage for your basic attacks, some champions use this for their abilities instead of AP
Ability Power (AP) - Ability Power is usually for your abilities (Duh), some champions can utilize this for basic attacks
Health - Your... Health
Mana - Mana is used as a price for your abilities, some abilities have no cost and some champions don't even use Mana
Attack Speed (AS) - Attack Speed is the speed of your basic attacks
Critical Strike - Critical Strike adds a chance for your basic attacks (And some abilities) to Critically Strike dealing more damage
Armor - Armor is what's used to protect yourself against AD
Magic Resist - Magic Resist is what's used to protect yourself against AP
Movement Speed - Movement Speed is the speed of which your champion moves
Cooldown Reduction (CD) - Cooldown Reduction reduces the cooldowns on your abilities
Health Regeneration - Health Regeneration is the speed of which your Health regenerates
Mana Regeneration - Mana Regeneration is the speed of which your Mana regenerates
Armor Penetration - Armor Penetration is what penetrates your opponent's armor and allows you to deal more AD
Magic Penetration - Magic Penetration is what penetrates your opponent's Magic Resist and allows you to deal more AP
Life Steal - Life Steal allows you to steal a bit of your opponent's Health and add it to your own on each Basic attack (And some abilities)
Spell Vamp - The same as Life Steal, only with AP abilities
Tenacity - Tenacity reduces the time of disables, debuffs, and crowd control.
Now let's get into your objectives!
Nexus - The enemy team Nexus is your primary objective, destroy your enemy's Nexus and you win the game
Inhibitors - Inhibitors are the only structures that regenerate when destroyed, destroying an Inhibitor powers your minions for a short amout of time
Turrets - Turrets are what protect the Nexus and Inhibitors, to reach the Inhibitor you must first destroy 3 turrets then 2 turrets to reach the Nexus
Baron - Baron is one of the primary Jungle objectives, slaying this Epic monster gives you and your team a huge increase in power for a short amount of time, slaying this monster usually needs at least 3 team members
Dragon - Dragon is pretty much a weaker Baron, it also gives you increases in power but they are not as large as Baron's but the increases are permanent, it is also notable that there are 4 types of Dragons and they each give a different advantage
Also, a VERY important aspect of the game is farming, a.k.a last hitting, it's where you last hit a minion to land the kill on it which gives you bonus gold, gold is used to buy items in game
Finally, I'll be giving you a list of the basic most useful items of the game.
Wards - There are two types of wards, the regular ward which you can no longer buy (You can still use the Warding Totem or the Sightstone to use the regular wards) and Vision wards. Regular wards are simple small hidden structures that give you vision of a small area around where it is placed for a limited amount of time. Vision wards are simple small visible wards that also give you vision of a small area around where it is placed, however, the Vision ward can reveal hidden structures and champions and it also lasts forever until destroyed by an enemy team champion
Boots - Boots are very basic items in League of Legends that increase your movement speed, upgraded boots can give you other advantages as well
Doran's Blade - Doran's Blade is a starter item for AD champions, it gives you some AD, some life steal, and some health to get yourself started
Doran's Ring - Doran's Ring is a starter item for AP champions, it gives you some AP, bonus mana regeneration, and some health to get yourself started, this item also has a passive which restores 4 mana upon killing a unit
Doran's Shield - Doran's Shield is a starter item for Tank champions, it gives you some health, it also has 2 passives, one allows you to restore 6 points of health every 5 seconds and the other allows you to block 8 damage from single target attacks and spells from enemy champions
Health Potion - A consumable that restores 150 points of health over 15 seconds
Trinkets - Trinkets are free usable items that you can buy in game, there are currently 4 types of Trinkets, Warding Totem, Sweeping Lens, Farsight Alteration, and Oracle Alteraton. The Warding Totem allows you to place a regular ward down every (x) amount of time, the Sweeping Lens allows you to check a target area for invisible structures and champions, Farsight Alteration allows you check a target area over long distances for visible units, also places down a regular ward that lasts forever but is visible and has 1 point of health
EDIT 1: I completely forgot bushes for some reason...
Bushes are pretty simple, unless the bush is warded, or an enemy champion or minion walk into it or you attack from inside it, standing inside it will make you invisible to the enemy team.
EDIT 2: I forgot to mention that there are multiple servers you can play on, added that and links to all of them.
You can find the game on many servers! Be sure to pick the one that suits you most.
North America
Europe West
Europe Nordic & East
Latin America North
Latin America South
Republic of Korea
And that concludes my League of Legends introduction for beginners!
Be sure to post any questions you have below and I'll answer as soon as I can.
Also let me know if I missed anything, will try to keep it updated.