Hello! Last time I introduced you to the basics of League of Legends. This time I’m going to go more in depth into League of Legends! (**THIS IS NOT A GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS, IF YOU’RE A BEGINNER PLEASE REFER TO MY OTHER GUIDE**)

Now, let’s get started!
Let’s start off simple with the laning phase, this is mostly the very early part of the game (The Jungle has a whole other routine which I’m gonna talk about later on), this is where you’re 1 on 1 with your enemy laner, or 2 on 2 if you’re bot lane. This is also one of the most vital parts of the game as an early lead will help you a lot in the late game.
So, what do you do in the laning phase? A good laner will try to out poke his opponent dealing damage while being careful not to take too much damage, making sure his lane is warded so that the enemy team Jungler doesn’t have a successful gank, and last but not least, farm, farming is VERY important in League of Legends, it’s probably the most important part of the laning phase, to out farm your opponent this gives you a gigantic lead if you do it correctly.
Farming is when you last hit an enemy minion (a.k.a creep) to get the killing blow landing you extra gold, just so you know how important this is, around 20 minions give you an equal amount of gold that a kill does.
Put simply, the 5 important parts of the laning phase are:

1- Be in range of the minions to gain experience

2- Last hit enemy minions to gain gold

3- Prevent the enemy champions from last hitting your minions

4- Zone enemy champions to keep them from gaining experience

5- Destroy the enemy tower

Situations of the laning phase.
The laning phase holds many situations, such as one where you’re dominated, one where you’re dominating, an equal phase.
I’m gonna teach you how to act in each one of these situations, and how to make the best out of every one of them.

1- Where you’re easily winning and dominating your lane, the best way to act on this, is you kill the enemy champion, farm a little, then gank your teammates and give them kills and advantages as well.

2- Where you’re getting rekt hard m8, in this situation there are 2 ways to act, you could either also gank other lanes and attempt to get kills from there to force an advantage for you, you could hug your tower and simply just farm your way up.

3- Where your lane is equal, there are tons of ways to act on this, the best one is to harass your enemy, if you’re a ranged champion, whenever you’re not last hitting a minion, try to land a few basic attacks on your opponent, or you could again, gank other lanes and get yourself and your team an advantage from there, you could simple hang back into a defensive posture and focus on last hitting (I don’t recommend this most of the time), or you could hug your turret like a lil baby Annie and wait for the enemy to get impatient and go for a tower dive where you can then outplay them.

Now that we’re done with the laning phase, let’s get into the Jungle, I didn’t talk about this in my previous guide and this is a crucial role in League of Legends so let’s get into that!
First off, what’s a jungler? A jungler is a champion who roams the Jungle killing monsters inside for gold and XP while helping out other lanes in need whenever he can, junglers also like to counter jungle to hurt the enemy team’s jungle so they can’t help their own team.
First off let’s talk about the main objectives of the Jungle, there are 5 main buffs in the Jungle that you need to be very careful of and to try your best not to let the enemy team take.

1- We have the Red buff. The Red buff is a passive effect you get from killing the Red lizard, found in both sides of the jungle. The Red buff provides you with true damage over time and a slow on hit.

2- We have the Blue buff. The Blue buff is a passive effect  you get from killing the Blue sentinel, found in both sides of the jungle. The Blue buff provides you with extra mana/energy regeneration and cooldown reduction.

3- We have the Glimpse of the Void. The Glimpse of the Void is a passive effect you get from killing the Rift Herald, located in the middle at the top side of the jungle from minute 10 to minute 20 into the game, this effect grants you 5% damage reduction when no allies are near and also grants you “Corruption”: At 100 charges, your next basic attack dealing extra damage.

4- We have the Dragon Slayer. The Dragon Slayer is a passive effect you get from slaying the Dragon (a.k.a Drake), found in the middle, at the bottom side of the Jungle. A random elemental Drake will spawn at 2:30, once killed another random elemental Drake will spawn at random intervals. Here is a detailed explanation of the effects from the wiki. http://i.imgur.com/qvI1c8a.png

5- Then lastly but most importantly, we have the Hand of Baron. This passive effect is one of the strongest in the game, this could completely change the course of the game so be very careful with this. The Hand of Baron is obtained by killing the Baron, which is found instead of the Rift Herald after the minute 20. The effects are: An improved Recall (Much faster), massively increased Attack Damage and Ability Power, and also nearby allied minions are greatly enhanced granting them range and damage.

Now let’s talk about teamfights.

Teamfights always begin with one team initiating a fight, this is usually a tank or a fighter champion with CC and gap closing (The ability to close a distance between you and your enemy such as Leona’s E “Zenith Blade”).
Sometimes before a teamfight, one or both teams “harass” as we talked about before in the laning phase, however, this is only done by a ranged champion such as Caitlyn where she can cover a lot of the range without getting caught in an enemy’s gap closing or CC ability. This always them to having an advantage entering a teamfight since the enemy team will already be missing HP.
Once one team initiates a fight, the opposing team has a choice, either to go in and “accept” the  fight, or attempt to dis-engage if they feel like the fight is un-winnable, usually this ends with one or more champions dying in the attempt, successful or otherwise.
In a teamfight, there are 4 main roles.

1- The melee fighters
2- The ranged damage
3- The runners
4- The chasers

First off, the melee fighters are the tanks/off-tanks that are within melee range taking and dealing heavy damage.
Second, the ranged damage are the Marksman and the Mage. The Marksmen are also known as the “ADCs” which are usually squishy yet heavy damage ranged AD champions (Caitlyn, Vayne, Ezreal, Ashe)
The Mages are the heavy AP ranged champions (Lux, Ahri, Syndra, Orianna)
These champions stay out of range of the enemy team and since they have the most damage, they are also targeted the most by the enemy teams ranged damage, and vice versa.
Third, the runners are champions that are low on health and are attempting to flee.
Fourth, the chasers, these are the ones that go after the runners and make sure no one escapes the fight.
And of course, the entire team has to be playing AS A TEAM, not as 5 individuals otherwise you will always lose the teamfights.

And that wraps my guide! If I forgot anything please let me know I’ll do my best to keep it updated. Thank you all for reading.